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TE3 - User manual

Last updated: 2. April, 2012. Display manual on a categorized page.

First steps

Assuming you have just completed installation successfully, you might want to do things in the following order.
  1. Login URL: You can login at

  2. Change password: If you would like to change your password, click on the user icon and select manage user from the drop down menu.

  3. Webmaster signup page: Your trade partners can sign-up for a trade here:
    Configure your webmaster page in the Options / Sign-up page menu. There are lots of options. Enter your personal details (ICQ, email, nickname...) that will appear on the webmaster page, open / close webmaster page, open / close webmaster login page, define your own trade rules, set default trade values, preselect niche groups and more.

  4. Add trades: To add a new trade, navigate to the statistics / overview menu and click on the + trade link. Popup window will open and it will position you into the "add trade" tab. Although it might look a bit complicated at first, it is actually very simple and well categorized. Enter the Return URL of a trade, which is the only required field. Enter the site name parameter as well, because we will need it for the toplist in the next section. If you would like to set default values for trades signed up from the + trade window, click on the default values tab.

  5. Toplist: If you would like to create a toplist, refer to the toplist section.

  6. Incoming traffic tracking: You have to add incoming traffic tracking code to your pages. Refer to the incoming traffic tracking section.

  7. Outgoing traffic tracking: You have to add outgoing links to your pages. Refer to the outgoing traffic tracking section.

  8. IP protect your admin interface: We strongly encourage you to IP protect your admin interface. It can make a difference between being hacked or not. Refer to the IP protect your admin interface section.

Migrating from TE 2.2 to TE 3.0

Assuming you have already successfully installed TE 3.0 and logged in.
  1. Import data: Go to the "options / general" menu and use TE2.2 to TE3 importer. Importer will import the following data from the 2.2 version: trades, niche groups, toplists, toplist descriptions, toplist images, trading rules and personal info.

  2. Remove toplists from your TE 2.2: Disable / remove toplists from your TE 2.2 ,otherwise if all the output paths and filenames are the same in both scripts, toplists from the old and the new version will keep overriding each other.

  3. Toplist templates: Toplist template codes remained pretty much the same as in the old version. There are some changes though. Edit your toplist templates and replace outgoing links "/cgi-bin/te/o.cgi" with "/te3/out.php". Query string parameters and toplist codes remained the same as in the old version (except ##id:X## which is no longer supported). In case you were using ##id:X## code, replace it with ##domain:X##. Here is a simple example of the toplist template: After you have converted your templates into a new form, generate all your toplists from the "toplist" menu (mass checkbox and click on the generate button). It is now time to preview them (click on the preview icon) and test them by clicking a few outgoing links to make sure everything works as expected.
  4. Incoming traffic tracking: We recommend that you add TE 3.0 incoming tracking code (at least till the end of the beta phase) as an addition to your TE 2.2 tracking code so you (and we) can compare incoming stats between the old and the new version. Tracking code is similar to the old version, but not exactly the same. Refer to the incoming traffic tracking section.

  5. Outgoing traffic tracking: Replace your old outgoing links "/cgi-bin/te/o.cgi" with "/te3/out.php". Query string parameters (s=, g=, l=, u= ...) remained the same as in the old version, therefore changes are not required. Here is an example outgoing link template in combination with Smart thumbs: TE 2.2 outgoing link code:
    /cgi-bin/te/o.cgi?s=#skim#&g=#var1#&l=#var2#&u=#url# TE 3.0 outgoing link code:
    /te3/out.php?s=#skim#&g=#var1#&l=#var2#&u=#url# Refer to the outgoing traffic tracking section for more details.

Incoming traffic tracking

Classic incoming tracking.
  1. PHP tracking: If you are using .php extension, use one of the tracking codes below. You can add it to all your .php pages inside the <head> </head> tag. The "include" command will most likely work for everyone. include("te3/in.php"); include("/FULL/PATH/TO/te3/in.php"); virtual("/te3/in.php");

  2. SSI tracking: If you are using .shtml extension, add this code to all your .shtml pages inside the <head> </head> tag. <!--#include virtual="/te3/in.php?$QUERY_STRING" -->

Index pages and redirections

Using pages module you can display different index pages for non-unique visitors and even mobile visitors. This should spark interest in your non-unique visitors and therefore increase overall productivity on your site. You can also display or redirect to a different page based on the following filters: IP, trade, country and category.

Detailed statistics for each individual page is available. Based on the stats you can tell which index page is the most productive, which page is getting the most traffic and so on.

CAUTION: For performance reasons, try to keep number of pages below 100 and if possible even lower.

How to setup incoming tracking with ability to display and redirect pages (by example):

You should set it up on the page where you are also accepting incoming traffic from your trade partners. Let's say that page is called index.php and that you would like to rotate 2 different index pages (page1 and page2). All you need to do is to include the te_redirect.php module at the top of your index.php page. It is important for you to understand that index.php is also your default page and it should have a normal content on it. If redirection filters aren't matched, te_redirect.php module will be ignored and the default index.php page will be displayed instead.

  1. Add the standard "include" incoming tracking code to index.php as described in the incoming traffic tracking chapter.

  2. Add one of the following code right at the top of your index.php page: include("/te3/te_redirect.php"); include("/FULL/PATH/TO/te3/te_redirect.php");

  3. Open your TE3 admin interface and navigate to the Pages menu and click on the Manage pages button. Add page1 and page2 as an addition to the default page.

  4. Physically create page1.php and page2.php using your CMS.

  5. Add the standard "include" incoming tracking code to page1.php and page2.php as described in the incoming traffic tracking chapter. Right above the tracking code you have to specifiy page name in order to track statistics for that page, like this: $te3_page="page1";

  6. Click on the Manage redirections button. Checkbox Index pages to enable them (last section in the popup) and add page1 like this: Redirect URL: /FULL/PATH/TO/page1.php Type: include Page name: page1 Now add page2 in the same way.

  7. If you have done everything right, your index.php is now rotating two index pages. Point your browser to: and refresh your browser a few times. With each refresh a different page (page1 and page2) should be displayed.

Outgoing traffic tracking

You must set outgoing links on your page to count outgoing traffic. Follow these very important rules:
  • Always use relative paths. Use <a href="/te3/out.php"> instead of <a href="">
  • Content parameter (u= , purl=) must always be placed as the last parameter in the outgoing link

List of all the available outgoing parameters for out.php
  • u=[URL]
    URL to a content page (gallery, sponsor link...). For example: /te3/out.php?s=70&u=
    There is a 70% probability that surfer will be sent to and 30% probability he will be sent to a trade.

  • id=[domain]
    Permanent link to a trade. For example: /te3/out.php?
    This link will always send a surfer to's return URL.

  • l=[link_name]
    Link label or link report. Find out where on your site surfers are clicking the most. Label certain categories of links on your site, e.g., toplist, thumbs, text links, sponsors and so on. For example: /te3/out.php?l=toplist&
    Surfer will be sent to the trade and +1 hit will be counted for link label "toplist".

  • s=[skim_pattern]
    External skim / skim pattern can only be used together with u= and purl= parameters. You can either set a simple skim, e.g., 70 or an advanced skim pattern, e.g., 100,70,50. For example: /te3/out.php?s=70&u=
    There is a 70% probability that surfer will be sent to and 30% probability he will be sent to a trade. You should also note that unless es=1 parameter is included in the link, external skim has a lower priority than internal skim. We strongly recommend you read more about skimming here.

  • g=[niche_group]
    Send surfer to a specified niche group. For example: /te3/out.php?g=group1
    Surfer will be sent to the most owed unvisited trade in the group "group1". g= parameter can be used in a combination with u=, s=, l=, es=1 parameters.

  • purl=[gallery_plug]
    Plug galleries using purl parameter. For example: /te3/out.php?purl=
    Surfer will be sent to a gallery behind purl= parameter and +1 outgoing hit will be counted for "".

  • es=1
    If this parameter is included in the out link, internal skim will be ignored and external skim will be used instead. For example: /te3/out.php?es=1&l=sponsor1&u=
    Imagine this scenario. You're using internal skim (set to e.g. 75%) on your site and you want to track clicks on sponsor links through TE (link report), but of course you don't want to skim those clicks. Surfer must be sent to a sponsor link each and everytime he clicks on it. Setting external skim (s=100) in the out link is not enough, because internal skim outpowers external skim (read more about skimming here). For this reason you will have to include "es=1" parameter in your out link to force TE to use external skim instead.


There are two skim types available, internal and external skim. Internal skim outpowers external skim. If internal skim is set, external skim gets ignored unless es=1 parameter is set in the outgoing link as an addition to the external skim (s=X).

IMPORTANT: If you are using Trade Expert in combination with Smart Thumbs and you would like to use "external skim", use dots instead of commas in the skim pattern, because commas don't work properly with Smart Thumbs. For "internal" skim pattern it doesn't matter whether you use commas or dots.

  1. Internal skim (recommended): You can set internal skim inside admin interface for each trade and system trade individually. Navigate to the overview menu, click edit icon for any trade or system trade and you can set "skim pattern" there. You can enter there for example: 100,75,65

  2. External skim: External skim has to be set directly in the outgoing link. Here is an example of the skim pattern set directly in the outgoing link: /te3/out.php?s=100,75,65&u=

Skim pattern examples:
  • 75 - There is 75% probability surfer will be sent to a gallery behind u= parameter and 25% probability surfer will be sent to a trade.

  • 100,75,65 - 1st click 100% to gallery, 2nd click 75% to gallery, 3rd and all further clicks 65% to gallery.

  • 100,75,65:* - This is a repeated skim pattern: 1st click 100% to gallery, 2nd click 75% to gallery, 3rd click 65% to gallery. Skim pattern starts from the beginning again: 4th click 100% to gallery, 2nd click 75% to gallery, 3rd and all further clicks 65% to gallery and so on...

  • 100,75,65,50:2 - This is a partially repeated skim pattern: 1st click 100% to gallery, 2nd click 75% to gallery, 3rd click 65% to gallery, 4th click 50% to gallery. Skim pattern will now repeat the last two values over and over again: 5th click 65% to gallery, 6th click 50% to gallery and so on... to gallery and so on...


Toplist is a collection of trades in your database that may be ranked in a number of different ways, e.g., by: raws, uniques, clicks, outgoing hits, productivity, value, owed ratio and so on. Number of the toplists you can create is basically unlimited.

To create a new toplist, navigate to the toplist / toplist menu and click on the + add toplist link. Pop-up window will open. There are two methods for adding toplist. You can add toplist directly through the web (form input method) or you can upload your toplist template file through the FTP and then specify input and output file for the toplist (file input method).

  1. Form input (Web): To add toplist template directly from the admin interface, select "Form input" method from the toolbar. For the start, you can copy-paste the example template (below) into the "Toplist template" field. Specify where would you like to save your template in the "Save template as" field, e.g., /full/path/to/public_html/toplist.tpl
    Next, you have to enter "File output path", e.g., /full/path/to/public_html/toplist.html

  2. File input (FTP): Open your favorite text editor, copy-paste the example template (below), save it as, e.g., toplist.tpl and upload it by using FTP into the public_html directory on your server. Select "File input" method from the toolbar. Specify "Template file input" as /full/path/to/public_html/toplist.tpl and "Toplist file output" as /full/path/to/public_html/toplist.html

The rest of the fields should be self-explainable.

Example template:

Toplist template tags:
  • ##name:x## - site name
    Example: ##name:4## will print "site name" for trade number 4.

  • ##domain:x## - domain name (
    Example: ##domain:6## will print "domain name" for trade number 6.

  • ##desc:x## - toplist description
    Example: ##desc:3## will print "toplist description" for trade number 3.

  • ##desc-x:x## - toplist description with a specified position
    This toplist tag is only useful, if you use multiple descriptions for each trade. Example: ##desc-3:5## will print "3rd toplist description" for trade number 5. Make sure you have at least 3 toplist descriptions entered, otherwise this example won't work as expected.

  • ##img:x## - toplist image src
    Example: ##img:1## will print "toplist image src" for trade number 1. If there are multiple img srcs entered for trade number 1, toplist generator will randomly print one of them.

  • ##img-x:x## - toplist image src with a specified position
    This toplist tag is only useful, if you use multiple images for each trade. Example: ##img-2:1## will print "2nd toplist image src" for trade number 1. Make sure you have at least 2 toplist images entered, otherwise this example won't work as expected.

  • ##raw:x## - incoming raws
    Example: ##raw:7## will print "incoming raws" for trade number 7.

  • ##uniq:x## - incoming uniques
    Example: ##uniq:3## will print "incoming uniques" for trade number 3.

  • ##clk_t:x## - clicks sent to trades
    Example: ##clk_t:4## will print "clicks sent to trades" for trade number 4.

  • ##clk_tg:x## - clicks sent to trades & galleries
    Example: ##clk_tg:2## will print "clicks sent to trades & galleries" for trade number 2.

  • ##out:x## - outgoing hits
    Example: ##out:5## will print "outgoing hits" for trade number 5.

  • ##out_uniq:x## - outgoing uniques
    Example: ##out_uniq:6## will print "outgoing uniques" for trade number 6.

  • ##value:x## - value of a trade (Clk T / Out T)
    Example: ##value:2## will print "value of a trade" for trade number 2.

  • ##owed:x## - owed (Outgoing list / traffic distribution is based on the owed ratio)
    Example: ##owed:13## will print "owed" for trade number 13.

  • ##ratioraw:x## - ratio raw (Out T / Raw)
    Example: ##ratioraw:5## will print "ratio raw" for trade number 5.

  • ##balanceraw:x## - balance raw (outgoing total - incoming raws)
    Example: ##balanceraw:3## will print "balance raw" for trade number 3.

  • ##balanceratioraw:x## - balance ratio raw (incoming raws / outgoing total)
    Example: ##balanceratioraw:8## will print "balance ratio raw" for trade number 8.

  • ##balanceuniq:x## - balance uniq (outgoing total - incoming uniques)
    Example: ##balanceuniq:3## will print "balance uniq" for trade number 3.

  • ##balanceratiouniq:x## - balance ratio uniq (incoming uniques / outgoing total)
    Example: ##balanceratiouniq:8## will print "balance ratio uniq" for trade number 8.

  • ##return_url:x## - return URL ( )
    Example: ##return_url:7## will print "return URL" for trade number 7.

  • ##nick:x## - webmaster's nickname
    Example: ##nick:2## will print "webmaster's nickname" for trade number 2. "Nickname" is an optional attribute. If you would like to use this toplist tag, make sure you have it entered.

  • ##email:x## - webmaster's e-mail
    Example: ##email:8## will print "webmaster's e-mail" for trade number 8. "E-mail" is an optional attribute. If you would like to use this toplist tag, make sure you have it entered.

  • ##icq:x## - webmaster's ICQ
    Example: ##icq:5## will print "webmaster's ICQ" for trade number 5. "ICQ" is an optional attribute. If you would like to use this toplist tag, make sure you have it entered.

Toplist history:

To display history stats on the toplist, select "History" from the "Type" pulldown in the add new toplist window. Use the same toplist tags as you use for the last 24h toplist, but add "h_" in front of the tags.

Example: Last 24h tag for "incoming raws" looks like this: ##raw:x##, while history tag for "incoming raws" looks like this: ##h_raw:x##.

Of course you should only add "h_" in front of the tags where it makes sense. You can't add "h_" in front of the tags such as: "return_url", "domain", "nick", "email", "icq"...


Webmasters specialized in the toplist trading are often using more than just one or two toplist descriptions / toplist images per trade. If you are one of them, you will find identifiers very useful. By using identifier tags, toplist descriptions and images can be grouped. Description identifiers can be set in the "toplist / toplist descriptions" menu, image identifiers can be set in the "toplist / toplist images" menu.

  • ##identifier:desc:x## - toplist description with identifier
    Example: ##short:desc:4## will print "toplist description" for trade number 4 with identifier "short". Make sure you have toplist description with identifier "short" entered in the "toplist descriptions" menu, otherwise this example won't work as expected.

  • ##identifier:img:x## - toplist image with identifier
    Example: ##small:img:4## will print "toplist image" for trade number 4 with identifier "small". Make sure you have toplist image with identifier "small" entered in the "toplist images" menu, otherwise this example won't work as expected.

  • ##identifier:img-x:x## - toplist image with identifier & specified position
    Example: ##large:img-2:7## will print "toplist image" for trade number 7 with identifier "large". Make sure you have toplist image with identifier "large" entered in the "toplist images" menu, otherwise this example won't work as expected.

How to include toplist into your web page:
  • PHP (.php pages)
    include "toplist.html";

  • SSI (.shtml pages)
    <!--#include virtual="toplist.html" -->

Thumb grabber

Menu: toplist / thumb grabber

Thumb grabber module can be set to crawl trades in your database every x hours and to download a specified amount of thumbs from trader's web site. You can also manually trigger thumb grabber by clicking on the "Download" button. Thumbs are stored into the /te3/thumbs/ directory and can be manipulated from the toplist / toplist images menu. After thumb grabber has downloaded thumbs for all your trades for the first time you can create a thumb toplist. Thumb toplist gets much more attention and a higher CTR compared to the ordinary text toplist. It will increase productivity on your site. Another benefit is that a surfer who clicks on a toplist thumb will be sent to a page where this thumb is actually located and there is a much higher chance they'll click on it there as well and increase your external productivity.

Thumb grabber options: Set general options for thumb graber here. Hold mouse over the attribute names for tooltips to appear.


Menu: statistics / network

If you have two or more TE copies you will definitely want to link them together to take the advantage of the network features. Using the network features, you will be able to work faster and more efficient.

How to link sites together:

In this example we will link two sites together. Login into the TE3 admin interface on both and Navigate to the "statistics / network" menu on both sites.

Click "Add site" link on and enter the following values:

  • Title:

  • Login URL:

  • Security key: Enter security key from Security key can be found by clicking on the "edit icon" for

  • Identifier: Leave empty.

Click on the "Save" button. If has been added successfully, you can either repeat the procedure on (and add there) or simply click the "Sync" button and it will be done automatically.

Network features:

You must have at least two TE sites linked together, otherwise these features have no meaning.

  • Statistics for all sites on one page: View statistics for all the sites in your network in the "statistics / network" menu.

  • Switching between sites: You can switch between sites at any time using pulldown menu at the top of the admin interface. To make it more comfortable, we've added a feature that always positions you to the same menu when switching between sites.

  • Exporting trades: You can export trades from one TE to another. Go to the "statistics / overview" menu. Checkbox trades that you would like to export. Bottom panel will slide up. Click on the "Export to network", select sites where you would like to export trades to (CTRL + left to select / deselect) and click on the "Export" button.

  • Exporting trades directly from the new trade window: You can export trades from one TE to another, even directly from the new trade window when you are adding a new trade. Navigate to the "statistics / overview" menu and click on the "+ add trade" link at the top right side. "New trade" window will pop-up. Enter trade data, scroll down to the bottom, select sites where you would like to export this trade to (CTRL + left to select / deselect) from the "Export trade to the following sites" table and click "Save" button.

  • Network export module: Navigate to "statistics / network" menu, checkbox at least one site in your network, (bottom panel will slide up) and click on the "Network export" button. You'll find several useful network functions here, such as: Export all trades, export new trades, export niches, export search engines, sync trading rules, sync "good / normal / bad", sync mailer settings, export blacklist, sync custom algorithm, sync new trade defaults.

IP protect your admin interface

Like it or not, hackers will try break into any script installed on your server and TE is no exception. After they gain access to the admin interface of the script, it is much easier to gain access to the server as well. Same goes for the opposite. If they gain access to your server they can change files owned by your user, meaning they can also overwritte legit TE files with harmful ones and often that can be tricky for you to notice.

You should use all of the available security measures to make that task as hard as possible for them. We will describe two measures how you can and should protect yourself. TE's allowed IPs module & .htaccess file protection. It is strongly recommended that you use at least one method. Of course .htaccess method might be better, it is bullet proof (IPs / IP blocks are blocked on the server level) and it is also more flexible (you can specify exactly which files you want to block), but for a novice user it might be a bit trickier to configure. For additional protection, you can use both methods simultaneously.

If you have a static IP (IP is never changing) on your home machine, it is very simple to configure "allowed IPs" module. Simply add your IP ( ) into the textarea and press update button.

If your IP is changing all the time, you can still configure it, but it might be a bit tricker. Usually internet service providers will only change last or last two numbers of your IP. If that is the case, simply add your whole block. Even if you will add a whole IP block, you will reduce number of potential hackers to nearly zero. Users that are not listed in the "allowed IPs" module and/or htaccess, will get: "Your IP is not on the access list / Forbidden " message.

  • Allowed IPs:

    It only protects TE files that should never be opened to the public (no function or meaning to open them to the public). It doesn't protect files such as signup.php, because these files are usually opened to public. We understand there are many webmasters that would like to make their own list of protected files. If that is the case, you should use more flexible htaccess method instead (read the next chapter).

    Protected PHP files: index.php, rlogin.php
    Unprotected PHP files: in.php, out.php, signup.php, webmaster_stats.php, securityimage.php

    You can add one or multiple IPs at the same time. To enter multiple IPs, add one IP per line. You can add a whole IP block to the list as well (x. - A block, x.x. - B block, x.x.x. - C block). If the last character in the string is "." (dot), a whole block will be blocked. Single IPs must be added in the x.x.x.x scheme. TE will prevent adding duplicated IPs / IP blocks and IPs or IP blocks that are out powered by a lower IP block. This way your list will always remain clean and fast.

  • .htaccess:

    IP protection with htaccess is more flexible than "allowed IPs" module as it allows you to specify files you want to protect. It supposed to be bullet proof as it is based on the server level. Different webmasters have different demands. Check the list of all the TE's PHP files with descriptions. Based on that you should be able to decide which files you need IP protected and which ones will have to remain opened to the public.

    Here is an example of how htaccess protection should look like. You can use (copy paste) an example below and feel free to modify it. Add additional files if you don't need them opened to the public and want to protect them. As you can see, in this example protected files are: index.php and rlogin.php. And let's imagine your server's IP is and your home IP is always changing the last two numbers ( first two numbers are 90.60. ). You can add it like this:

PHP files inside /te3/ directory

Here is a brief description of the PHP files inside /te3/ directory, so you can better understand what is their task and which of them should be IP protected.

  1. cron.php: TE uses a pseudo-cron method to execute tasks such as stats recalculation, toplist creation, mailing and so on. "cron.php" module is triggered by "in.php". It has to be opened to the public.

  2. in.php: Module for tracking incoming traffic. It has to be opened to the public.

  3. index.php: TE's admin interface. Protect it!

  4. out.php: Module for tracking outgoing traffic. It has to be opened to the public.

  5. rlogin.php: If you have multiple TE sites linked together into a network, remote login (rlogin.php) serves as an inter-communication module for network tasks such as: Switching between sites, exporting trades, syncing blacklist, syncing search engine list and so on. If you only have one TE, you won't need "rlogin.php" module at all and therefore you can IP protect it. In case you have two or more TEs linked together into a network, you can still IP protect "rlogin.php", but you will have to add both, your personal and your server IP to the "allowed IPs" and/or ".htaccess". Protect it!

  6. securityimage.php: If you have the "security image" feature enabled in the "option / webmaster" menu to prevent robot trade sign-ups, "securityimage.php" module displays security image on the "signup.php" page. If you have webmaster sign-up page opened and the "security image check" feature enabled, then you have to keep "securityimage.php" opened to the public, otherwise you can IP protect it.

  7. signup.php: Webmaster sign-up page. Your trade partners can sign-up new trades on this page. If you have your webmaster page closed anyway, you can IP protect it.

  8. te_redirect.php: Incoming tracking method that also allows redirections. If you don't use te_redirect.php, you can IP protect it.

  9. webmaster_stats.php: Webmaster statistics page. Your trade partners can login and view trade stats from this page. If you have your webmaster stats page closed anyway, you can IP protect it.


There are two methods for upgrading TE.
  1. From the admin panel: Click on the "update manager" link inside admin panel and follow the instructions there.

  2. Using install.php: Upgrading TE using install.php method is almost the same as "new installation" procedure. Follow the "new installation" procedure (above) and skip step 2 (you don't have to create "te3" directory, because it already exists). Installation program "install.php" detects that TE is already installed on your site and therefore it won't perform new installation, it will upgrade it instead.

Server move (how to move your TE to a new server)

  1. To preserve all the data, you will have to copy "te3" directory inside "html" directory from your old server to your new server. There are several methods how this can be done, we'll describe just one of them here. Connect to your old server using SSH protocol and "cd" into the "html" directory for the respective domain.

  2. Create an archive of the "te3" directory inside "html" directory on the old server: tar czf archive.tar.gz te3

  3. Download "archive.tar.gz" to your local machine using your favorite FTP client and then upload it (in binary mode) into the "cgi-bin" directory on the new server.

  4. Connect to your new server using SSH protocol and "cd" into the "html" for the respective domain.

  5. Extract files from the "archive.tar.gz" using the following command: tar xzf archive.tar.gz
    You should have a "te3" directory (including all the sub-directories and files) inside "html" directory on your new server now.

  6. If name servers for the domain are still pointing to the old server (which is usually the case), you will have to make sure your local machine resolves the domain on the new server in order to access the TE admin interface through the web browser on the new server. You will have to add the domain with the new IP to the "hosts" file on your local machine.

  7. Follow step 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 from the "new installation" section.

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